Exterior of Greenfield Building


丽贝卡·帕克·费德瓦 丽贝卡·帕克·费德瓦 英语 副教授 电子邮件: 丽贝卡.parkerfedewa@zizhanggui.com 电话: 414.443.8730



  • Ph.D., British Literature, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
  • M.A., British 和 American Literature, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
  • B.A., 英语, with theology minor, 信誉最好的网投平台排名, Milwaukee, WI


My work explores the novels of Elizabeth Gaskell who challenges 19th-century notions of what constitutes reliable, 可信的, 和 even admissible truth claims. Gaskell reflects the public's - 和 the legal community's - anxiety regarding truth claims 和 the evidence that was permitted to be used to ascertain the truth. Her novels address this anxiety through narrative techniques incorporating different forms of evidence to open a discussion in her readers regarding gender 和 power as well as truth 和 authenticity, 和 her conclusions have implications well beyond law to theology, 政治, 以及叙事伦理.


  • ENG 101: Writing 和 Rhetoric
  • ENG 221: British Literature II
  • ENG 295: Genre Studies: Fiction
  • ENG 303: 专业写作
  • ENG 304:高级写作
  • ENG 305:创意写作
  • ENG 306: Technical 和 Scientific Writing
  • ENG 326: Victorian Literature
  • ENG 498:毕业论文


  • 维多利亚时代的小说
  • 法律与文学
  • 叙事理论
  • 专业写作



“Why I Am a Lutheran: Perspectives from Three Women Professors.” Co-authored with Angela Ebeling 和 Kristi Meyer. 箴言集 26.4(2017年秋季):19-24.

“考虑到 卓越的 后现代主义的.”  卡里斯 4.4(2005年冬季):28-34.

Select Conference Presentations

“Practicing 社区 in Elizabeth Gaskell’s 克兰福德.”  63rd Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, 18 November 2022.

“Collective Acts of Compassion: Gender 和 Labor in Elizabeth Gaskell’s 北方和南方 和 玛丽巴顿.”  62nd Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Milwaukee, 4-7 November 2021.

“Using the Common Read to Write with Purpose.”  Conference on College Composition & Communication, Milwaukee, 27 March 2020.

“伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔 露丝: The Providential Plotting of a Social Problem Novel.”  61st  Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, 14 November 2019.

“Revising a General 教育 Curriculum: Lessons Learned.”  50 th Annual College 英语 Association Conference, New Orleans, 30 March 2019.

“The Body as a Site for Change: Truth Telling in Elizabeth Gaskell’s 北方和南方.”  59th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, 11 November 2017.

“Vocation as Pursuit of the Holy Ordinary.”  81st Annual Association of Lutheran College Faculties Conference, Mequon, 1 October 2016.

“Creating Meaning through a Professionalized Learning Environment.” 47th Annual College 英语 Association Conference, Denver, 31 March 2016.

 “Testimony as Narrative Representation.”  12th Annual Women’s Studies Conference, Milwaukee, 23 March 2006.

“Employing a Little ‘Re-Direction’: Negotiating Graduate Student Dynamics in University Writing Centers.”  International Writing Centers Association & National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing Conference, Minneapolis, 21 October 2005.

“Confession 和 Reason in Ann Radcliffe’s 意大利.”  11th Annual Women’s Studies Conference, Milwaukee, 11 March 2005.


Association of Marquette University Women Book Club, Invited Moderator 和 Discussion Leader, 2023年10月10.  自然之书 芭芭拉·马哈尼.

Association of Marquette University Women Book Club, Invited Moderator 和 Discussion Leader, 2023年3月28日. 哈姆内特 玛吉·奥法雷尔著.

Association of Marquette University Women Library Reception, Invited Moderator, 2 November 2022.

Association of Marquette University Women Book Club, Invited Moderator 和 Discussion Leader, 2022年3月28日.  叫我来 劳伦·福克斯.

Association of Marquette University Women Book Club, Invited Speaker 和 Discussion Leader, 2021年10月21日.  万寿菊之落 苏珊·迈斯纳著.

Association of Marquette University Women Book Club, Invited Discussion Leader, 15 October 2020.  小龙虾在哪里唱歌 迪莉娅·欧文斯.

“Questions of Romance, Gender, 和 Class in Elizabeth Gaskell’s 北方和南方.”  Association of Marquette University Women, Invited Speaker, Milwaukee, 22 September 2015.



  • Department of 英语, Head, 2019-2022
  • General 教育 Committee, Chair, 2021
  • General 教育 Committee, Member, 2018-2021
  • Creative Writing Club, Advisor, 2013-Current
  • Behavioral Intervention Team, Faculty Liaison, 2009-Current
  • General 教育 Task Force, Member, 2014-15
  • 认证 Committee, Member, 2013-2014
  • Co-Curricular Committee, Chair, 2012-2015
  • Co-Curricular Committee, Member, 2011-2015


  • Association of Marquette University Women, Leadership Council, 2023-Current
  • Association of Marquette University Women, Board of Directors, 2012-2023
  • St. Marcus School Council, 2022-Current
  • St. 马库斯关怀团队,2013-2022


  • Midwest Modern Language Association
  • 大学英语协会
  • 盖斯凯尔社会