

乔尔·戴维斯 乔尔·戴维斯 化学 副教授 电子邮件: 乔尔 电话: 414.443.8771



  • B.S., 化学, 信誉最好的网投平台排名
  • Ph.D., 化学, Purdue University


My interest in science was kindled at a young age by science fiction stories, comic books, and 《星际迷航:下一代. My fondness for chemistry developed in high school, where I was fortunate to have a skilled and devoted chemistry teacher. While working on my doctorate in West Lafayette, 印第安纳州, I discovered a deep satisfaction in mentoring collegiate students. I am grateful to be called to serve as a faculty member at WLC.

Outside of my academic duties and service activities, I am blessed to be a husband and father. My family enjoys many activities together, such as drawing, traveling, and playing tabletop games.  My family is also actively involved in our church, and we volunteer our time in support of many different aspects of ministry.

作为WLC的教授, my goal is to help students gain the chemical knowledge they will need to be successful, both in their chosen career path and as an educated citizen. I prefer using group learning activities to keep students actively involved and to promote critical thinking skills, since college is a time to hone the problem solving, 人际关系, and individual learning skills that students will need throughout their lives.


  • CHE 105 – Food and Cooking 化学
  • CHE 161 -普通化学
  • CHE 162 -普通化学2
  • CHE 168 – General 化学 Laboratory 1
  • CHE 169 – General 化学 Laboratory 2
  • CHE 341 -物理化学
  • CHE 342 – 理论物理ical 化学 2
  • CHE 349 – 理论物理ical 化学 Laboratory 2
  • CHE 391 -专题
  • CHE 392 – Special Topics Laboratory
  • CHE 430 -无机化学
  • PHY 151/201 – Space, Time, and Motion Laboratory
  • PHY 203 – Introduction to Modern 理论物理ics: Heat, Atoms, and Quanta


The chemistry department at WLC has several analytical techniques at its disposal, 包括质谱分析, 光谱学(UV-VIS, IR, 和荧光), 原子吸收光谱学, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. I have developed interdisciplinary collaborations with other departments to apply the aforementioned techniques (along with their associated chemical knowledge) to experimental reSearch questions in these other disciplines. 例如, I worked with undergraduate reSearchers to assist colleagues in anthropology and biology in performing a toxicological analysis of a skeletonized cadaver (see publications).

I am very interested in how students learn and in finding the best pedagogies that assist students in learning. To that end, I am actively involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning. This includes my use (and analysis) of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in the chemistry classroom.

Students often have their own reSearch interests. I am always willing to talk to students about their interests and develop reSearch projects that are exciting for both the student and me.



詹姆斯年代. 汉高,乔尔·戴维斯,内德·法利. Anatomical and biochemical evidence for Treponema pallidum in a 19th to early twentieth century skeletal cadaver, 法医科学.地中海,.中华病理学,. 16, 557-561 (2020).

乔尔·G. 塞缪尔·戴维斯. 布莱克·祖科夫斯基. 兰金,多尔·本·阿莫兹. Influence of a neighboring charged group on hydrophobic hydration shell structure, J. 理论物理. 化学B119, 9417-9422 (2015).

乔尔·G. 布莱克·戴维斯. 卡米尔·兰金. Gierszal, 金龟子Ben-Amotz, Water Dangling OH Cooperativity at Molecular Hydrophobic Interfaces, Nat. 化学5, 796-802 (2013).

乔尔·G. 戴维斯,卡米尔P. Gierszal, 平王, 金龟子Ben-Amotz, Water Structural  Transformation at Molecular Hydrophobic Interfaces, 自然 491, 582-585 (2012).

卡米尔P. 乔尔·G·吉尔萨尔. 迈克尔·戴维斯. 大卫·汉兹. 柳德米拉五世. Slipchenko, 金龟子Ben-Amotz, π-Hydrogen Bonding in Liquid Water. J. 理论物理. 化学. 列托语. 2, 2930-2933 (2011).

吉尔Tomlinson-Phillips, 乔尔·戴维斯, 金龟子Ben-Amotz, 丹尼尔Spangberg, Ljupčo Pejov, Kersti Hermansson, Structure and Dynamics of Water Dangling OH Bonds in Hydrophobic Hydration Shells. Comparison of Simulation and Experiment. J. 理论物理. 化学. A 115, 6177-6183 (2011).


“Assessing POGIL Process Skills in General 化学 Using Standards-Based Grading,口头陈述, 美国化学学会 255th National Meeting, 新奥尔良, LA, 3月18日, 2018.

“POGIL将军. Ed.: Generating artifacts for the assessment of general education outcomes in the POGIL Classroom,口头陈述, 美国化学学会 253rd National Meeting, 旧金山, CA, 2017年4月.

"Development of a 532nm Raman Spectrometer for Solvation-Shell Spectroscopy,口头陈述, 教师发展, 信誉最好的网投平台排名, 密尔沃基, WI, 2014年11月.

“Studying Hydrophobic Hydration Shells Using Raman Spectroscopy,口头陈述, 学生组织, 信誉最好的网投平台排名, 密尔沃基, WI, 11月, 2013.

“Water Hydrogen Bond Strength Changes in Hydrophobic Hydration Shells,” Poster.  Gordon ReSearch Conference: Water & Aqueous Solutions, Holderness, NH, August 2012.

“Water Hydrogen Bond Strength Changes in Hydrophobic Hydration Shells,” Poster.  Gordon-Kenan ReSearch Symposium: Water & Aqueous Solutions, Holderness, NH, August 2012.

“Water H-bond Strength Changes in Hydrophobic Hydration Shells,口头陈述, 美国化学学会243rd National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2012.



  • 教务委员会秘书
  • Faculty Co-Curricular Committee
  • 通识教育委员会
  • 学院顾问 恩典之点 (WLC)章


  • Advanced Placement Examination Reader
  • 教会理事会成员
  • 教堂唱诗班 
  • Member of the Board of Directors for 恩典之点 (密尔沃基-area 校园部)


  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • 美国化学学会